
What Are Some of the Strangest Dental Emergencies Ever?

tomato plant

A dental emergency in Sebastian is not all that uncommon. It often involves a toothache, broken tooth, or one that has been knocked out entirely. However, those are nothing in comparison to some of the weirdest oral health adversities ever. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about some of the strangest emergencies that have taken place in modern dentistry.

Not Thumb, How About a Green Mouth?

A patient rushed to the dentist and complained of a toothache. Upon an examination, the dentist ordered a root canal and began the procedure with the hope of giving the patient relief. During the procedure, they spotted some plaque and tartar which is not uncommon.

But one thing they didn’t expect to find was seeds lodged deep into the gums with plants growing out of the cavity! It was later determined that the seeds came from a tomato.

DIY Crown Placement

It isn’t too unusual for a crown to become dislodged. However, if this happens to you, it is best to make an appointment with your dentist. This isn’t what one patient did. Instead, they attempted to use superglue to secure it back on. Not only was this a terrible idea, but they somehow managed to glue the wrong teeth together and got glue all over the roof of their mouth and throat.

Calculus Bridge

Anybody can experience plaque buildup. However, if this is left untreated for too long, it will eventually turn into tartar. One patient had this progress so severely that it turned into a calculus bridge between the teeth and gums. They vigorously tried to remove it at home and after a few minutes, almost all of their teeth fell out.

Unexplained Amnesia

In England, a person went to the dentist for a root canal back in 2005. The strange thing is that once they left, amnesia began, and they couldn’t remember anything more than 90 minutes prior. After years of tests and studies done by psychiatrists and neurologists, no one could figure out how this happened.

Oral Myiasis

If you don’t think taking your child to the dentist is important, think again. A small boy began rubbing and expressing discomfort over his swollen mouth. His parents recognized that he needed dental attention and took him to the dentist’s office. During an examination, the dentist found the boy’s gums were full of hidden maggots!

Hole in Palate

Certain issues can be treated at home, but this was certainly not one of them. When a man discovered he had a hole in his palate, he decided to take a DIY approach to combat it. He stuck wads of tissue into the hole as a makeshift prosthesis and changed the tissues once a week. This didn’t do any good, and he eventually ended up at the dentist’s office with a severe oral infection.

If these troubling true stories teach you anything, it should be that you can’t afford to put off visiting your dentist when there are warning signs of a problem. Fortunately, biannual checkups and cleanings can in most cases prevent you from becoming the star of a painful and bizarre dental emergency.

About the Author

Dr. Patrick Pirkle earned his dental doctorate from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Pirkle is a member of the American Dental Association and the American Society of Implant & Reconstructive Dentistry. If you ever face a dental emergency, you can depend on the three dentists here at Sebastian Dental, considering local patients have entrusted our practice with their smiles since 2004. Schedule an appointment on our website or by calling (772) 388-0088.

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